Bournemouth arts festival
The Brand
Bournemouth Borough Council, Bournemouth Arts
The Brief
For the grand opening of Bournemouth’s 2012 Arts Festival, the council projected the virtual demolition of the IMAX building onto the face of the building. Because the stunt wouldn’t work against the reflection of the glass, we were asked to cover the whole face with matt black vinyl.
The Solution
We loved this project for its quirkiness. After years of obstructing the view of Bournemouth’s gorgeous coastline, we were only too happy to help bring it down – even if it was virtually. With a tight turnaround of just two weeks, we surveyed the site and produced cut-to-size matt black vinyl, which we then installed on the face of the building with the help of appropriate access equipment. And because the building directly faces the seafront, we made sure we were well prepared for the exposed weather conditions.